About Kris

Tell everyone about me. Hmm. About me. What is fun and cool about me that makes a great bio. Not much. I'm just me. Let's see.

I'm Kris. I'm 25. Okay so I might be slightly older than that but really the details are not important. I've been Married for 10 years (yes, we're still going with the 25 thing, ignore the fact that means I would have married at 15) to the man who is the person I want to annoy for all the days of our lives. He's my tech geek. He's my rock. He's the father of my kids. He's the man who told me 5 years before we married, that we would be married. He's the man I made chase me for 3.5 years before giving in and agreeing with his "Vision". (Promise he's not psychotic. Well he wasn't then, but I may make him that way before its over.)

Before I married, I did the school thing. I was Pre-Med. Bio/Chem dual major with a Psych minor. Yes, I can be Wicked Smart. Anyone who willingly subjects themselves to Organic Chemistry has to be Wicked Smart (or NOT). So I did 3 years of the above. I did 12 science classes plus labs, I did the horrible math. Then I decided while I was smart enough to go on and finish, I didn't want to do med-school anymore. SO Alas I moved on.

I am also a Mom. Just so you know, this is what happens when you marry into a family of all boys/men. There are no girl children, there are no girl babies. There are no girl members (that did not marry in) and haven't been for generations. So when you get pregnant and everyone tells you OH its SO a boy. DO NOT BELIEVE THEM.

What will happen is you will end up with a house full of daughters and no son in sight. And when you have a house full of daughters you have Hormones. Fighting. Drama Queens. Hair Pulling. Screeching. Grudges. Vendettas. It's like Mean Girls all day every day. Except when they are sweet. (They are never sweet long!)

So what happens when you have the mean girls in your house -- you hide in your bedroom with BOOKS and escape. Well until said daughters get into your room with "She touched me", "Well she looked at me funny.", "She ate the last chip twelve years ago and I can't ever forgive her for that" (No I don't have a 12 year old yet) Then you have to deal with it so you can escape again.

Other things have happened in my life. A lot of them not important. Some not worth mentioning, some worth SO much more than the slight mention I give to them. Some I keep so closely guarded and others I discuss all.the.time.

But one of the biggest, one that affects me daily, and thus formed me as I am today (This super hardcore Badass as my good friends like to say.) My daughters inherited Kidney disease. I won't bore you with the medical terminology and all the details. What I will share is that I watched my oldest daughter battle for years, I did trial medications, I weighed risks with benefits, I did pros/cons. And when we dropped down to 13% kidney function and her doctor was okay with letting it fail, I kicked him to the curb, stood my ground and found another doctor who had a much better plan. While awaiting kidney surgery for Kid #1, Kid #3 was diagnosed with the same kidney issue only smaller scale, not as severe as K1.

Thank Goodness for Books. Without them, I surely would not have survived waiting rooms, and testing, and surgery, and hospital stays, and worry, and flights, and being away from my little babies while being half way across the country with their sister.

I wouldn't get through the fighting, and the drama and chaos that surrounds me without having a mental escape with characters I love.


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